
OKC take 2!

Week 1 was awesome.  And slow.  It has taken me some time to get back into the swing of things.  It is again an all girl class.  There are 5 of us. These posts will be a bit condensed and I will post them all at the same time.

This week we focused on mother sauces.  The traditional French mother sauces are: bechamel, espagnole, hollandaise, tomato and veloute.  In raw cuisine, they are a bit different.

Day 1 was cream sauce. We made a sage cream sauce and a truffle cream sauce to plate with beet gnocchi.  You will see these later in the program.

We made milk.  6 different kinds.  Then we tasted them to see the flavor differences.  I made oat groat milk.  Which I found surprisingly delicious.

The other kinds we tasted were Pecan, Pistachio, Macadamia, Walnut, Hazelnut and Cashew.

After we made our milks, we sweetened them.  Sweetening really changes the flavor of some of the milks.  Then, with our milks we made chocolate custard.  We used avocados as the base.  It is amazing how different each pudding tastes just using a different flavored milk.  Also amazing, it does not taste like avocado.  Yumm. :)

We made eggplant bacon (they don't do it in level one anymore) and olive and orange crackers for a mezze platter that we plated later in the week.

We started a macadamia nut goat cheese and cashew cheese to age over the month.  Something interesting with nut cheeses; you can only ferment them for up to around 48 hrs, but you can age them for a month(maybe more!).

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