
Park Slope CSA

Yay!!!!!!!!!  Today was the first day of our CSA.  CSA stands for Community Shared Agriculture.  That means that a farmer grows food for a certain number of people (people who sign up for a share).  Once the produce has been grown, it is picked and then trucked to our neighborhood.  (And it happens the same day, it doesn't get picked and then shipped to a large refrigerator where it sits for weeks before even making it to the grocery store.)  We go (on that same day) and pick up our share of what the farmer grew.  Cool huh?  We have an every other week share in fruit, veg and flowers.  It has been very wet here lately, so we got a lot of greens, but no flowers.  The greens are all really exciting.

We got Beets, Radishes, Arugula, Kale, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach, Scallions, Garlic Scapes and (our fruit share) Strawberries.  The quality is amazing.  What a difference fresh food makes.

Tonight I made a variation on a salad I have been really loving this summer.  Usually it is shaved Asparagus, Quinoa, Spring Onions, grated Parmesan with a little Lemon Juice, Olive Oil and Salt.  Delicious!  Tonight I added my CSA Lettuce, (used my CSA Scallions), CSA Radishes, Avocado and Maitake.  It was super yummy.

Sorry for the poor picture.

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